Sunday, December 14, 2008

Rolling over 12-14-08

Today Briana was rolling over like crazy!!!! I put her on her tummy time mat and walked away and when I went back to see where she was she was on the other side of the rug. So she was rolling over from one side to the other. I LOVED it. She is getting sooo big. I can't wait till she starts to crawl. Here is a video (kinda dark sorry) of her rolling over. She has been rolling over for a while now but I think today she realized that she can do it. But this was the first time I think were I actually saw her roll over from her back to her stomach. :)


Zachritz Family said...

Oh goodness! She is going to be everywhere soon! Baby proofing is fun..ha. Love ya!

Grandma Z. said...

Won't be long now. She may just start walking!!