Tuesday, January 27, 2009

For you Big Pop

Sunday: We were at G-mas and Big Pops house and some of us went outside while Josh was playing with the sea-doo and I had Briana in my lap and I was trying to look in her mouth too see if there are any teeth coming yet and I saw 2 white spots in her mouth, Abby saw it too so I am hoping for those teeth to come in sometime soon. Oh and the crawling to come any day now. I try and try, I think it is going to come soon. She has gotten better at it. All I can do its just keep at it.

Tuesday: Briana is such a great baby. I came home from work today and there were smiles from her everywhere. Everything I would say to her she thought was funny. I miss her like crazy when I am at work so it is so great to come home to a smiling happy baby. So when I was feeding her tonight she ate a little bit and she feel asleep in her highchair it was too cute and she was in there for a while until I woke her up to get ready for the real thing. So I am going to post some pictures.

1 comment:

Zachritz Family said...

She is so freakin' cute!