Sunday, December 14, 2008

Rolling over 12-14-08

Today Briana was rolling over like crazy!!!! I put her on her tummy time mat and walked away and when I went back to see where she was she was on the other side of the rug. So she was rolling over from one side to the other. I LOVED it. She is getting sooo big. I can't wait till she starts to crawl. Here is a video (kinda dark sorry) of her rolling over. She has been rolling over for a while now but I think today she realized that she can do it. But this was the first time I think were I actually saw her roll over from her back to her stomach. :)

Seeing Santa 12-13-08

We went to see Santa Claus, we waited in line for a while so Briana was exhausted by the time we got to him, so it was really hard to get a smile out of her. She was just dazed. I couldn't really see cause I had a eye appt right before and they dilated my eyes so I couldn't see what the pictures looked like until the day after. Anyways here are some Santa pictures and a picture of Briana and Daddy waiting in line!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Visit with cousin

Well my brother and his wife and their baby Anthony came into town from Orlando on Mon and left Tues, so they all came over our house after I got out of work and had dinner which I might add was awesome. My brother cooked (he is a chef), beer stuffed chicken doesn't sound too good but man it was. Anyways Anthony was sick with a cold for his first time, poor thing. So I was kinda scared for Briana to be around him! Monday my mom took her to the doctor (cause she took off of work to babysit) and he said NO MORE treatments. I was so excited oh and she weighed 18lbs and 7 1/2 inches ha little porker. She loves to eat. Not too much else to say we have a busy weekend this coming week we are going to get pictures done on Sun and after that we are going to go over Big Pop and Gma's for Abby's birthday celebration. So I will probably post something then. Until next time. Oh and I almost forgot I FINALLY found some headbands that actually fit Briana's big ole' head lol so I am going to put up some of her in the headbands.