Sunday, November 2, 2008


Not much to say about today but it was a nice day. Josh was off so we all went to church. Abby and Ford were there for the 1st time since he was born. So we got to see him. After church Grandma, Big Pop, Mema, Abby, Annabell, and Ford all came to Josh and I's house (Briana's house too) we picked up lunch so we all ate lunch and just kinda hung around for a bit then everyone left and Josh, Briana and I went to Target and through the car wash then home. Josh waxed the car while I did some laundry. Then I put Briana in her baby bjorn that she LOVES so much and it was soo cute she feel asleep after a long time in it. So I got her out and put her to sleep. Here are some pictures of it.


Zachritz Family said...

i'm excited to start using ours with Ford! She's too cute!

Grandma Z. said...

How precious is my granddaughter!!!
Love the pic with Mommy.