Friday, November 28, 2008


(Briana on Thanksgiving eating her sweet potatoes)
Well yesterday was Briana's 1st Thanksgiving. She had a awesome day. She is almost done being sick. Monday she goes to the doctor and hopefully he will tell us that she doesn't have to do the breathing treatments anymore. Let's pray for that. Anyway on to Thanksgiving she woke up and we just hung around the house for a couple of hours and then Nana came over and Josh, Nana, Briana and I hopped in the car and off to Grandma and Big Pops we went. Got there around 12:30 and just hung out there with Big Pop, G-ma, Nana, Mema, Abby, Brad, Annabell, Ford, GGrandma Z, Star, Su, Josh and I so needless to say it was a full house. Grandma cooked a HUGE and yummy dinner for everyone. We also got to see Madelyn too on Skye which was awesome she is getting so BIG! Cant wait too see her again. Oh and here are a couple of pictures from BABY DAY at our church which we celebrated last Sunday Nov 23 2008.

3 Generations
B and Mommy

Friday, November 21, 2008


Sorry it has been a while but my baby girl is SICK, and me too. So I am just going to post some pictures of her while she has been sick. Untill next time. Oh and today I put on Dora the Explorer and she was locked to that for a while so I snapped some pictures of it.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Sitting up

Sorry haven't been on all weekend. This weekend was uneventful! Saturday Josh left for Miami so Nana came over to keep me company. So we went to Publix came home then we went back out for some 5 guys for dinner and target afterwards. Then we came back home and hung out for a while then off too sleep Briana went. Then on Sunday woke up had some coffee with Nana and Briana and went to Nana's house and hung out there. It is so cute Briana is starting to sit up kinda on her own. It doesn't look comfortable at all but it will only get better. So I had her doing that a lot on Sunday. So anyways we left there and came home and when we were pulling up to the driveway Josh was just getting home from Miami but as soon as he got home he took a shower brushed his teeth and went to bed. So Briana and I hung out and my friend Ashley came over for a while and saw Briana. She left right after Briana went to bed. So bed time it was for me and I was off. I was soooo tired this weekend. Here is a couple of pictures of her sitting up

Friday, November 7, 2008

Park Day

Well today has been very eventful. Mya (one of our dogs) had an appointment today so me, Briana and her went. Let me tell you how much fun that is. But it was okay Briana started getting hungry while we were there so I had to feed her and had to hold Mya while she got her shots, it kinda was stressful doing it by myself I needed another hand. Anyways that was done and we brought Mya home and Briana and I went to my friend Jamie's house and we hung out for a while then Briana, Me, Jamie, and her 2 kids Tyler and Tori went to the park. Briana had so much fun there it was right by a school so when the kids from the school had recess they went to the park and Briana was watching all the kids run around like a hawk. It was so cute. So after the kids went back inside I took Briana to the swing and let her swing for a little bit and she LOVED it. I really think that she likes to be outside. Anyways we were there for a while and needless to say the moms were getting tired and HOT so we packed everyone up and went home and by the time we got to the car Briana was passed out. So went back to Jamie's for a little bit and then we went home to wait for Josh to get off of work and then went to the mall. Me and Briana are going to be by ourselves this Saturday cause Josh is off to Miami for a bachelor party. But I asked my mother to spend the night so Nana is going to keep us company. Thank God I don't sleep good with out Josh. But I know he will have fun. Well here are some pictures of Briana at the park, and some other pictures that have nothing to do with the park just thought you might like to see them.

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Not much to say about today but it was a nice day. Josh was off so we all went to church. Abby and Ford were there for the 1st time since he was born. So we got to see him. After church Grandma, Big Pop, Mema, Abby, Annabell, and Ford all came to Josh and I's house (Briana's house too) we picked up lunch so we all ate lunch and just kinda hung around for a bit then everyone left and Josh, Briana and I went to Target and through the car wash then home. Josh waxed the car while I did some laundry. Then I put Briana in her baby bjorn that she LOVES so much and it was soo cute she feel asleep after a long time in it. So I got her out and put her to sleep. Here are some pictures of it.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Day after

This is a picture of her sleeping this morning! Thought it was funny..........she put that on her face

So today is the day after Halloween and Briana was such a wonderful baby today. She wasnt fussy at all like I thought she was going to be cause she was the last time she got her shots. Grandpa and Grandma K came over in the morning they stayed for a while then Josh got home from work and Nana came over and watched Briana while Josh and I went to Home Depot, Lowes and to Publix. Then Josh cooked dinner for all of us. It was yummy. Oh and I forgot to mention that Briana is on her baby foods now just in the evening though. Tonight she had applesauce. She really enjoys it. Also I put her in the baby bjorn where she faces out to see everything she LOVED it she was like that for a while untill she got hungry (of course).