Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sick again

Well last week when Briana went to my friend Jamie's house who is our babysitter 2 days out of the week jamie was running a temperture so of course Briana GOT SICK AGAIN. She had a rough night last night. We took her temp and it was 102.2. Which I have never experienced before so of course I was freaking. So we gave her some tylenol and some formula and layed her back down. Well when she woke up this morning she was running 102.6. Uhhhh so all we are asking for is if EVERYONE will please pray for her. Thanks so much! :)

A Day at the Park!! 3-17-09

Here are some pictures on St. Patty's Day! I took the day off and Josh already had off so we went to her 9 month doctor appointment, which was good (NO MORE EAR INFECTIONS) and then we all went to Lakes Park. Where Briana was playing in the water coming from the ground and then we went on a little boat ride. She kinda was scared at first with the water but she got used to it then she started touching it. So needless to say we all had a great time as a family. Which we don't do too much cause Josh works all the time. Then when we were getting to leave the park it was overcast and it started drizzling so we left at the perfect time. Well here are some pictures from the park..